Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Day 50

Today we took all the kids up to see the progress on The House! It was quite a bit warmer today...in the 30's...so a lot of snow had melted and we had a nice mud slide down one side of the house! They have placed almost all the floor panels...it looks so cool! I guess they will start framing upstairs tomorrow and call the roof truss people and have them start working on those...I think we will have a roof a week or two after Christmas! Hard to believe and amazing to see it sitting there where only a mere 50 days ago it was just a grassy field!

Wood being delivered for the upstairs framing...

Wood being unloaded...

We have a floor!

I like this view of the webbed floor trusses...pretty cool...

A picture from the basement...putting the ceiling/floor on really helped define the space...I really like it!

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